All in Iowa Driftless Area

Forever Home

I imagine most, if not all of our readership has heard the term “forever home” used when it comes to pets, whether a rescue or surrender. The number of cats and dogs alone that do not have a home is staggering. But what about exotic pets?

The Lovelys

I met the Lovelys back in 2019 when covering the Vernon County Dairy breakfast at the Dale and Brenda Torgerson Farm. While the Lovelys were performing, I stood for a while listening to them sing. There was something about them singing together that just made me feel good and smile.

Yellow River State Forest and Effigy mounds

Mention Iowa and people think of factory farms or the presidential caucus siege. Luckily there’s more to the Hawkeye state. The Northeast corner of Iowa is located in the Driftless and well worth a visit.