Rittenhouse Winter Wonderland:update

A little over three years ago, I wrote a story titled, “Santa, Snowmen, and Jeeps- Oh My!”. It was a story that we shared last month as our throw back Thursday post on our Facebook page. To our amazement, the article was read and shared by a few thousand people. Granted, we have more followers of our Driftless Now Facebook page today than back in 2020. So, time for an update.

Though changes are inevitable, over the past three years, there is one constant just outside of Elroy, Wisconsin, Phil and LuAnn Rittenhouse’s Winter Wonderland light display, with a few additions of course.

Sprawling 3 acres and located at N2015 Synder Road, a mile West of Elroy, Wisconsin, the Rittenhouse’s recently geared up for their 22nd year of their holiday light display, drawing people from across Wisconsin and people visiting from other states. But this story began years earlier in 1993. If you have not read the original story, we encourage you to click here.

This year, the Rittenhouse’s Winter Wonderland display is a bit brighter, like literally, thanks to an electrical upgrade. This past late summer, Phil explained that their overhead line that services their property was replaced and run underground. “We've got more power now”, he said chuckling. “We have had people saying that stuff looks brighter, that the display has a pop to it. I just tell everybody; it's got the correct amount of current now. Our house had a 200-amp service, and it was getting fed through about a 100-amp wire.” Phil said, unknown to them, the bottleneck in the wire made it dangerously hot.

LuAnn pointed out over the past three years they have many more blow molds and some 90 artificial Christmas trees. Phil added, that unfortunately they had to cut down two of their Ash trees in front, but on the positive side, it allowed them to put a couple new displays around the stumps.

The waterfall coming off the cliffs has been extended and includes a pond that is enjoyed by Snoopy and his sidekick Woodstock. Another addition, formed from a donation. This past September, LuAnn said someone dropped off a play house that sits at the bottom of the ski hill. “We're making that our hamburger joint,” she said smiling. “It’s almost finished. We are going to get some figures down there, like a gingerbread man holding a tray with hamburgers and french fries. It's a work in progress.” The stand looks pretty complete to me though, and includes a full-service menu board.

“Oh, something else”, exclaimed Luann. “The We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year sign, for years we had that on the old rope light. I don't know how many years ago, Phil made that probably 20 years ago. He did a voltage measurement and it was taking 10.7 amps. So, he took the new LED rope lighting and just went over the top of it. It's the same exact lettering and length, and now it’s only drawing 1.7 amps.” Not only another savings on their electric bill, but the sign is much more vivid.

 A Friend of Phil’s gave him a plug-in voltage meter that helps them keep a handle on their load usage. “I can take any extension cord, unplug it, and plug the meter in, and it will tell me the amps I'm drawing. If I'm wondering if I'm drawing too much on an outlet, I can check and keep my draw down on each outlet.”

Phil and LuAnn constantly continue their hunt for new additions for their display. “We just keep collecting the blow molds and decorations and stuff. We still go to a lot of citywide rummage sales, buying whatever we can find and anything on marketplaces (on-line) that we can scoop up,” said LuAnn.

LuAnn pointed out, an addition to their small car display, a BMW. “So that's over there next to our driveway. We also got the police car this past summer, and the green car in front of it has a broken taillight. So, we thought if we could find a police car, we'll have the green car pulled over. About two weeks ago we found a Grinch at Menard’s. They had Grinch’s holding different things like a stocking, but the one we chose is holding a wreath. We decided for our story, that the Grinch realized the meaning of Christmas, and so instead of giving them a ticket, Grinch is gonna give them a wreath.“

While walking around with shear amazement at the additions to their display, there was no shortage of cars driving by at a creep. One car stopped, and a man with his family inside rolled down his window asking me how long the display would be up. I told him until about January 7th. Tyler and Tabitha Smart traveled from nearby LaValle with two of their children. Tabitha said that her husband’s brother lives in Elroy and recommended they come and see it. Tabitha said, “It's phenomenal. It's like mind blowing. We were super excited to show the kids the display. It’s amazing all they have put into this.” Tyler remarked, “I think it looks really well put together and they did a very nice job. It gives you that Christmas vibe”.

There was one special visit Phil said stood out and touched his heart. “There was this one Christmas Eve that a guy came from Reedsburg, and he had his little girl with him. I'm talking to him over by the snowman drive in movie theatre, and I'm watching her. And he told her, ‘This is what I watched when I was a kid’. So, they're up there, and there’s a little thing of pretend popcorn that's in there, it's all glued together. Her father said that she likes popcorn. She takes that, and she's standing there pretending to eat popcorn while watching the movie.”

Phil and LuAnn noted that this late fall’s mild temperatures were a nice change with all the time it takes them to put the display up. “We were working out here putting stuff out and we were wearing T-shirts. We didn’t even have to have flannel shirts on. That's amazing”, Luann said.

With a little more electricity to work with and proper current flow, Phil and LuAnn have plans to keep adding and improving their Holiday display. A display they hope gives people a little time to melt away into the holiday spirit, if only for a little time.

Watch a YouTube video of the display below. Be sure and subscribe to Driftless Now’s YouTube channel and follow us on Instagram.

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