Update: Princess Rose 2022-2023- It takes a village to raise a bunny… and to mourn the loss of that bunny

Update: Princess Rose 2022-2023- It takes a village to raise a bunny… and to mourn the loss of that bunny

Life is full of lessons. Some easy, some hard. Some happy and some sad. One of the hardest, learning about the circle of life.

All living things are born, live their lives, and eventually pass from Mother Earth. Then begins the important part of grieving.

The beginning of last month, I published a story titled, “It takes a village to raise a bunny”, about 9-year-old Owen Louis. This ambitious boy, asked his parents if he could get a pet bunny. They agreed, only if he were to pay for all the expenses that go along with having a pet, reminding him it was a long-time commitment and a large responsibility to care for another life.

So, Owen asked if he could raise the money by baking and selling an array of baked goods. Not only did Owen accomplish his goal, but had continued baking in order to provide for his rabbit named Princess Rose, a Lion Head Teddy Wider variety.

As a writer, I have written a few articles that personally jerked at my heart. This is certainly one of them. Even more so because of the update I am about to share.

I was made aware yesterday, that Princess Rose, the bunny so loved by not only Owen, but his entire family, passed away.

My heart felt for Owen. What do you say to a 9-year-old that has just lost a pet that he had so deeply loved and cared for? Really, no words can console not just a young boy, but anyone at a time of loss. Every human and animal processes loss and grief in their own personal way.

When speaking to Owen’s mother Cassie, she was fighting back tears as she shared an accident where their beloved Princess Rose became stuck underneath some furniture, furniture that Cassie had said she had played under in a hide and seek fashion countless times. Owen’s father Jason, had quickly gone to work to free Princess.

Upon freeing Princess, Cassie and her husband rushed her down to the UW-Madison Veterinary clinic. Doctors and staff feverishly analyzed the situation, and had the hard task of informing them that Princess Rose was beyond help. The most loving compassionate action that could be taken, would be euthanizing her.

The heart wrenching decision was made to let this beloved bunny that had really become a “village’s bunny” to rest.

At the news of Princess’ passing, I immediately thought of the people not just in Owen’s community, but across the country and the world, that were encouraging Owen’s journey with his pet. I mean, these are people that not only bought Owen’s baked goods, but sent encouraging and praising words, and donations of money his and Princess’ way.

As Princess Rose’s life has come full circle, it is good to think about the people it brought together, the way Owen’s whole family had included her in their home as a full-fledged member.

I could only painfully imagine Owen waking up to see what the outcome of his bunny’s journey to the vet would be. The reminders of Princess Rose’s items that she used in her everyday walk of life, must be surreal. I have faith that, as mature for his age as he is, Owen will work through his loss in a healthy manner.

Diane Anthony, the woman who Owen had purchased Princess Rose from, and one of his biggest fans, I am sure was devastated to learn of Princess crossing the Rainbow Bridge. Almost immediately, Diane had told Owen that she has a litter of bunnies to born in the near future and told him he could have first pick. Now, Owen’s parents have shared with him that no other bunny could ever replace his beloved Princess Rose, as she was unique in her own precious bunny kind of way. No one would forget her and the beautiful life she lived. Princess had an extended family that will now stand by him at this time of loss.

I reminded Cassie that our remains are merely a case that houses our spirits while here on Mother Earth. Our remains go back to the Earth from which they came. They are Her’s.

I was impressed by Owen’s “old soul” character as you might have figured in the initial article, his tenacity to work for something he wanted and keep it up. To me, the most important that stood out about Owen, was his capacity to love another living being albeit a pet. Not only to express and share unconditional love, but to feel it and express that through his actions.

Owen, truly is an amazing young man, yes man, not child.

As adults, if we take the time, can learn from those our junior, what we are missing in our busy lives. How to treat each other and all living things.

Owen, the day after the passing of Princess Rose, asked how much the Vet bill was going to be. His parents responded that they did not know. Without hesitation, even though the result of the bill was his Princess not coming home to him said, “I will raise the money to pay the bill”.

It may take a whole village to raise a bunny and a child, but it also takes real life experiences to teach the child that everything comes full circle, and at times, we are completely powerless over this.

Thank you Princess Rose for allowing me to share about your journey on Mother Earth. Journey well Princess, journey well.

 Editor’s note: If you would like to extend words of comfort and encouragement to Owen and his family, visit Princess Roses’ Facebook page.

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